I’m ready to get started!

1. Initial Application - A1 or A2 Form
Your local group will be able to assist with filling in the form if you have any questions or concerns.
Download the A1 – Adult Member Application
Download the A2 – Adult Helper Application
Once completed and signed by applicant please complete Step 2 before providing this form to your Group Leader / Leader in Charge for approval and submission to the Scouts SA Head Office for processing.
Make sure you check the following before you submit the form with your team leader:
• Has the application been filled out in its entirety?
• Have you signed/initialled each page on this application as required?
• Have you completed all the declarations on Page 6 of this application?
• Have you attached your NPC application with all identification copies sighted by SAPOL/JP/Scout HQ as
• If you already have a WWCC have you provided these details on Page 3?
2. Mandatory Checks - WWCC, NPC’s & References
National Police Check (NPC)
Scouts SA is required to supply original documentation (both form and ID copies) to SAPOL and are unable to accept online scans. Scouts SA has staff available at the Head Office (Wayville) that can sight ID, call us on 08 7134 1200 to book a time. Otherwise a JP or SAPOL officer are recommended to copy and verify the ID and paper form, we recommend you take photocopies with you as the service may not be provided.
Download SAPOL’s police record check
Download NPC Guide and FAQ (Page 3)
Once we receive this application we are required to send to SAPOL for processing. You can expect to receive your certificate in the mail, please refer to step 3 for the verification step of your NPC.
Working With Children’s Check (WWCC)
If you already hold a current WWCC please complete the ‘Current WWCC Clearance’ section found on page 3 of your A1 or A2 form on page 3.
If you require us to lodge a check on your behalf please leave this section blank and refer to the guide below.
Download WWCC Guide and FAQ (Page 2)
Reference Checks
Scouts SA is required to conduct at least two reference checks for all new adults in Scouting and are currently using a company called Veremark to manage those checks.
You will receive an email from Veremark requesting referee details, if you require assistance refer to the guide below.
3. Verification - Personal Checks
National Police Check
SAPOL will mail your clearance certificate via post which needs to be verified by Scouts SA.
You can either:
- Post or show the physical certificate to a verifying officer at Head Office
- Email copy of your certificate that has been certified by a JP to membership@sa.scouts.com.au
Working With Children’s Check
If you provided us your WWCC clearance details in Step 1 we will verify your check via the DHS portal.
If we lodged a check on your behalf we will receive verification via the DHS portal.
You are not required to do anything further.
Reference Checks
Scouts SA will contact you if there are any issues from Step 2.
You are not required to do anything further.
4. Welcome Packs! + Mandatory Training
You’ve just finalised your registration to join Scouts SA, we know the process may have been long so thank you for your patience and good luck on your next adventure with Scouts SA!
Our welcome packs are a physical pack you can look forward to receiving in the post shortly.
Be sure to log into the National Training website as soon as possible to complete the two mandatory training modules: WHS for Scouting & Child Safe Scouting.
As a new member you will have 3 months to complete these modules, for information on how to log in for the first time or support head to our Mandatory Training page HERE!
What's Next?
Get started with Training
Volunteer Development Plans (IAVP’s)
Microsoft365 and Scouts SA
Operoo and Scouts SA