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Share your Volunteering experience?

Tell others about how you volunteer for Scouts SA!


Thank you and know that we truly appreciate the time and efforts you put in to help us develop young South Australians to be the best that they can be!

Scouts SA has developed some resources for you to be able to share your volunteering experiences – maybe it will lead to friends or contacts of yours seeking to find out more!

In fact, often a social media post along the lines of the above is even more effective than email. Especially a video. LinkedIn is a good platform for this and you can even add to your profile that you are a Scout Volunteer. Under the Experience section in your profile, you can add various things in addition to your current program (e.g. people use this to show they’re on a board, for example) and we’d love it if you could add your experience as a volunteer to that section. Attached here is a picture for a Facebook post that you might like to use with the text template below.


Template for you to copy/paste

You may not be aware of this, but I’m actually a volunteer for Scouts SA. Maybe you’d be interested in becoming one too?

There are many ways to volunteer with Scouts SA, as well as being a Youth Leader you can be a volunteer manager, assist with a committee, become a volunteer treasurer, help maintain a hall or its grounds or even get trained up as an Adventurous Activity Leader! The more volunteers we have the lighter the load and the more we can work together to build great South Australians contributing to ?their community!

Scout Leaders get:

  • All the training needed, great personal development and great on your CV
  • We take care of your police check, working with children check and child protection training?
  • Great opportunities for networking
  • Great opportunities for long-lasting friendships
  • Real life outdoor skills like pitching tents, camp cooking, bushwalking, geocaching, and much more
  • A first-hand look at how youth develop and grow with your assistance

So there’s a win-win for everyone involved!

If you want to know more about what I do please contact me! If you want to talk to someone at scouts SA about other roles and how to get involved please call them on 81306000 or go to the website They will be more than delighted to talk about the benefits of Scouting for adults.

Hopefully we will see you around a campfire soon!

Warm Regards,


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