Sharing the fun of Scouting
LeaderBuild is a program about recruiting and retaining more Adults in Scouting.
Using research and resources from Scouts Australia’s partnership with University of Western Australia / Curtin University, this recruitment/retention program is designed to assist Scout Groups with a valuable resource – Adults to help run and supporting programs.
Scouts SA is supporting your Group by providing LeaderBuild and the resources associated with it for your Group – our team will work alongside your Group to plan a session, conduct this session and then ask you to review and provide feedback.
In South Australia LeaderBuild is now ready to roll out to your Group. All you need to do to get started is complete the LeaderBuild Group application form. From here our team will liaise with your group about timing and step you through the process of delivering LeaderBuild in your Scout Group.
Group Leaders – Register your Group for LeaderBuild today
Resources and Information
- LeaderBuild Post Session Feedback Form (for completion after the LeaderBuild Group session)
- More information – please email leaderbuild@sa.scouts.com.au