City Nature Challenge 2021
Scouts of all ages are invited to participate in The City Nature Challenge over a 4-day event (April 30 – May 3). Scouts in other Countries and States will be participating in this challenge.
The City Nature Challenge is an international event exploring global urban and near urban biodiversity through the free to use citizen science application iNaturalist. The event first began in 2016 as a challenge between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Since then the event has grown to include 300 cities in 2021. The City Nature Challenge is organised by the Natural History Museum Los Angeles County and California Academy of Sciences, as well as local organisers.
An information session will be held/hosted by the SIA Team on Tuesday 13 April from 7pm. Youth members and Leaders are invited to join in this session to find out more.
Register for Zoom session here
If you are keen to register then you can follow the links and instructions at
There is a second event later in the year which we will keep you posted on in due course.
Don’t forget to submit your SIA goal to your Unit Council before 30 April!
It might be to participate in this new challenge to Adelaide, find as many animals and plants as you can in the 4 days or find a particular endangered plant/animal. There are so many goals and options to consider.