Bushwalking is so much more than throwing a pack on your back and putting one foot in front of the other. Through providing opportunities to explore a diverse range of environments by foot, we can offer an adventurous activity that creates opportunities to develop character, relationships, resilience and confidence.
Bushwalking should never be seen as a given ability, but rather a sought-after skill. One that can be constantly developed, challenged and rewarded. Bushwalking has always been and will continue to remain a core component of Scouting right across the world which enables life long memories of adventure.

How to make it happen
Neighbourhood Walks on your Unit Night
A walk in your local neighbourhood is great both with the late daylight of Summer, or by torchlight during Winter.
Some ideas to for your unit to add extra fund and excitement:
- Make it a chalk chase
- Bury some treasure
- Flip a coin on a penny hike
- Try a photo scavenger hunt
Find a place to walk with Walking SA
Walking SA is the not-for-profit peak body that leads, promotes and supports all forms of walking in South Australia, including walking for recreation, transport, health, wellbeing, organised events, adventure, environmental appreciation and fun experiences.
“Find a place to Walk” is a great resource to browse walks of various lengths in specific parks and regions, whether it be up to 2 hours, half day, full day or multiple days
Further Info: https://www.walkingsa.org.au/walk/find-a-place-to-walk/
Geocaching is an outdoor pastime in which participants use a global position satellite (GPS) receiver to find hidden objects, known as geocaches.
At the time of publishing, there are more than 3 million geocaches hidden throughout the world in over 190 countries. Of those just shy of 80,000 geocaches are hidden across Australia, with just a little over 14,000 hidden and active in South Australia.
Geocaching is simple and easy to get into, grab a map or mobile phone and start hunting.
Further Info: http://www.geocaching.com?and https://geocachingsa.com.au
Extended walks along a major South Australian Trails
The following major South Australian Trails are a good place to start looking for your next multi-day adventure:
Heysen Trail
South Australia’s 1,200km Heysen Trail extends from Cape Jervis, on the Fleurieu Peninsula, to Parachilna Gorge, in the Flinders Ranges, traversing coastal areas, native bushland, rugged gorges, pine forests, vineyards, rich farmland and historic towns.
It caters for both the serious backpacker hiking the entire trail and for walkers doing day walks along shorter sections.
Further Info: https://heysentrail.asn.au/
Lavender Federation Trail
The Lavender Federation Trail is a linear walking trail through diverse countryside traversing the eastern flanks of the Mt Lofty Ranges. It begins at Murray Bridge and traverses the Barossa, Goyder, Mid North and the Clare Valley regions to Clare.
Further Info: https://lavenderfederationtrail.org.au/
Walk the Yorke
With more than 500 Kilometers of continuous shared walking & cycling leisure trail, you can explore Yorke Peninsula’s coastline from Port Wakefield to Moonta Bay.
With coastal trails & town walks, Walk the Yorke showcases Yorke Peninsula’s spectacular coastline, diverse coastal communities and environments unique to Yorkes.
Further Info: https://yorkepeninsula.com.au/walk-the-yorke
Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail
Nature’s secrets are waiting to be discovered at every step of the 61 kilometer five-day trek, with the trail weaving its way through the most botanically unique area in all of South Australia before reaching the rugged, remote and spectacular coastline of the Southern Ocean. The unimaginable beauty of this part of the world has to be seen to be believed. Come and discover the magic for yourself.
Further Info: https://www.kangarooislandwildernesstrail.sa.gov.au/home
Rogaining with SA Rogaining Association
The South Australian Rogaining Association (SARA) describe Rogaining as:
Rogaining is an outdoor treasure hunt, like no other. If you’re the type who enjoys the great outdoors via the TV at the end of a treadmill, then rogaining probably won’t be your thing.
The aim of the game is to race against the clock in teams to find the most controls and gain the highest points. Teams travel on foot, armed only with the course map and a trusty compass.
Every team has a different idea of how they are going to tackle a rogaine. Some are out to win and find every control out on the course, if they can. Other teams want to head to the hills to enjoy mountain-top views. Yet others want to hit the flatter areas and discover hidden gorges and explore river beds; immersing themselves in nature. That’s the beauty of rogaining. The setters provide the location and teams get to choose their own route, pace, and adventure.
Rogaining is a community. It’s exploring new places. It’s time with friends or family. It’s free roaming. It’s being unplugged. It’s a meal around a campfire, camping and sharing stories with new friends. It’s learning something new.
Further Info: https://sarogaining.com.au/
Satellite Communicator Hire
Hire the ZOLEO Satellite Communicator for your next activity
Perfect for groups, teams, or units engaging in activities with limited phone coverage.
Fill out this form to request to hire the device.
Scouts SA Bushwalking Team
The Scouts SA Bushwalking Team exists to provide these adventurous and diverse bushwalking opportunities to Scouts and Leaders of all backgrounds. We achieve this through a commitment to providing extensive training to recognised standards. We’re committed to creating opportunities for all people to explore the landscapes locally, nationally and internationally.
Contact BC Bushwalking
Bob Ellis bc.bushwalking@sa.scouts.com.au

Training and Skill Development
We provide Bushwalking and Common Core training through the Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT) in alignment with VET (SIS0) Qualifications. This training is available to Scouts, Venturers, Rovers and Adult Leaders.
The training we provide is a much more comprehensive and recognised extension of your Basic Leader Training Outdoor Skills.
Depending on the level which you strive for, our training enables you to lead Bushwalking expeditions in local and remote locations, non-extreme and extreme environments, on tracked and un-marked terrain, for a range of distances and over a culmination of nights.
Bushwalking Training
Are you an Adult Leader, Rover, Venturer or Scout who is interested in furthering your adventurous activity bushwalking skills? Do you need to complete training to undertake planned bushwalks this year and beyond?
Contact bc.bushwalking@sa.scouts.com.au for the 2025 Training Dates
Contact bc.bushwalking@sa.scouts.com.au
River Crossing Training
The Scouts SA Bushwalking Team facilitates a practical river crossing session aligning to Bushwalking OAS Stage 7 competencies.
Suitable for: Adults holding Level 2 bushwalking and Youth Members pursuing OAS Bushwalking Stage 7
Dates: 2025 dates TBC
Location: Onkaparinga River, Port Noarlunga
Further info: https://sa.myscout.com.au/events/109/registration
Contact: Greg Roberts, gmroberts@adam.com.au
Bushwalking Resources