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Adventurous Activity Centre

Adventurous Activity Centre

Nestled in the heart of North Glenelg, adjacent to the serene Patawalonga and just a stone’s throw away from the bustling Glenelg shopping precinct and beautiful beach, the Adventurous Activity Centre is a hub for all types of exciting activities and events.

This functional hall is for hire to both Scout members and the public and is an excellent venue for a variety of occasions, including scouting events, training courses, group events, and much more.

Facilities and Amenities
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Tables and chairs (indoor use only)
  • Plenty of inside space for sleeping (must provide own bedding)
  • Activity equipment (please contact activity teams directly to organise equipment)
  • Overhead projector and screen, whiteboards and flip board
  • Photocopier, DVD and television (by arrangement)
  • Toilets and showers
Activity Teams
  • Paddling –
  • Bushwalking –
  • Target Sports –
  • Sub Aqua –
  • Cycling –

To keep fees low for everyone, users are required to undertake cleaning at the end of their use of the site.

Booking Fees


Start Time

End Time


$GST Inc


$GST Inc


$GST Inc




























PM + Evening









Whole Day









Whole Day + Evening











6:00PM Friday

2:00PM Sunday







To request to hire the Adventurous Activity Centre fill out the booking form below and a member of Scouts SA will be in contact to confirm.

*External hirers must hold minimum public liability insurance cover of $20 million.

For further details including booking fees please contact

Venue Booking Form

Facilities Required

I hereby agree to abide by the Terms and Special Conditions of this Property Hire Agreement as listed below

I hereby agree that the above named person serves as a witness to my agreement of the Hire Conditions set out below

14 + 10 =

Hire Conditions

1. The hire fee referred to above, together with the bond, must be paid at least 5 days in advance and you will be given a tax invoice for these amounts.
2. In exchange for this payment you will be allowed to use the Hall floor space, toilets, kitchen and normal Hall furnishings or such areas of the Campsite as are designated, as the case may be, during the period when the license applies.
3. You must keep the Premises clean and tidy, and in good repair and condition, and leave the Premises that way at the end of each time of hiring.
4. If any damage occurs to any of the Scouts equipment or to the Premises, through your use of the Premises, or the removal of any of your fixtures, plant or equipment, you must pay the Scouts promptly the cost of any repairs, or replacement, and reimburse the Scouts for any other loss, or you may forfeit your bond.
5. You must not allow anything to be done which might be a nuisance to, or damage the Property or the equipment of the Scouts, or the owners or occupiers of any other property in the neighbourhood, or which might adversely affect the insurance of the Property.
6. If you wish to have alcohol in the Property, you must first get the approval of the Scouts, and if relevant the local Council. You must also obtain any Liquor License permits that are necessary.
7. You must not interfere with the Premises, or interfere with or take any of the Scouts equipment or property.
8. Scouts reserve the right to enter the Premises at reasonable times to check on activities being conducted.
9. When vacating the Premises, you must take all rubbish with you, clean everything used by you, and return everything to where you found it.
10. You must not permit anything to be done which the Scouts advise you may be in breach of the agreement between the Scouts and the owner of the Premises (if applicable)
11. If the Premises are to be used for dancing, the floor must be prepared appropriately. Before doing this, you must obtain approval from the Scouts, who may require you to return the floor to its original condition upon vacating the Premises.
12. You must cover and reimburse the Scouts for any losses they incur as result of you using the Premises, including any claim made against the Scouts by you, anyone connected with you, or anyone who attends the Premises as a result of your use of it.
13. You must have Public Liability Insurance cover. The Scouts will not hire the hall unless proof of this has been cited.
14. Scouts may designate a particular area of the Property which is the only part you are entitled to use.
15. Either you or the Scouts may cancel this Property High Agreement by giving 48 hours notice. If less than 48 hours notice is given by YOU, the Scouts reserve the right to keep the bond. If less than 48 hours notice is given by the Scouts then the bond will be refunded less and cost of damages.
16. This Property Hire Agreement may be immediately cancelled by the Scouts if you breach any of the clauses in it and, if so cancelled, the Scouts may keep the hire fee and the bond.