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Scouts SA and its Groups can access a range of grants to support Scouting and its activities.

Grants must be applied for through the Grants team at SAHQ as the peak body for Scouting.

Find out more about the grants currently available and the process of applying for these grants on this page.

GST Assistance for Groups Update

For some time now, Groups have been encouraged to utilise the Head Office for GST processing that has, for all intents and purposes, provided a GST win fall for Groups. As it transpires, this is not the case, and other than Grants, Head Office has been funding the 10% GST back to Groups to the tune of around $20,000 per annum. Following a review of GST processes, Head Office can continue to offer Grant-associated GST Help” where the purchase of items is being funded by a Grant with the Grant funding paid directly to head office, for example from a local council or from Active Club. However, GST Help, not associated with a Grant whereby Groups would transfer the GST exclusive value for the Head Office to pay an invoice, cannot be continued as the Head Office cannot continue funding the out-of-pocket GST costs. There was a misconception that there was no GST cost to Head Office of paying the invoices.  Further information and some examples refer to GST Help for Scout Groups PDF below.

So please see below what will be available and what instances we need to change for Groups.

Continuing: Grant-Associated GST Help

Head Office will continue to offer Grant-associated ST Help where the purchase of items are being funded by a Grant, for example from a local council or from Active Club.

Current process

After you have been successful in obtaining funding:

  1. Head Office receive the Grant funds and pass the GST (if applicable) onto the Australian Taxation Office
  2. You ask the supplier to invoice Scouts SA for the items that were funded, and Head Office will pay the invoice up to the value of the grant funding and claim back any applicable GST.

eg. Head Office receive Grant income for equipment of $1,100 including GST. Grant income is $1,000 excluding GST.

The equipment you require is $1,100 including GST and you ask the supplier to invoice Head Office who pay the invoice. Cost of the equipment is $1,000 excluding GST.

Income and expense excluding GST equal to zero

Ceasing: Other GST Help or GST Relief

In the past, there has also been an opportunity for groups to submit invoices over $1,000 to Head Office when purchasing capital items, not funded by a grant.

Unfortunately, this will no longer be available, effective from 2nd September, 2022.

This change is because Head Office was reimbursed only the GST exclusive amount of the invoice and was, therefore, out of pocket by the GST portion every time. This was not a win-win situation and must, unfortunately, cease.

For further information, contact Member Services at Head Office.

A – Z of Grants Workshop Video and Presentation

For a copy of the presentation for the video, please click the link below.


Grant-Application-Process_26Aug2024.pptx (

Grant References

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