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The Youth Commissioner Patrol = The Youth Voice Scouts SA

  • Are you willing to assist in leading Scouting in SA?
  • Do you have an opinion on issues faced by young people?
  • Do you like presenting and speaking at gatherings?

What is the Youth Commissioners Patrol?

  • A group of youth members coming together to form a Project Patrol for the Branch Leadership Team. (The Chief Commissioner’s team is responsible for Program delivery, Group Support, Adult Leader Training, Adventurous Activities, and Major Events. The Branch Leadership Team meets monthly in the evening.)
  • It will include suitable older Scouts, Venturers through to Rovers/Leaders to 23 years of age.
  • Membership is for two years.
  • The PL and APL will be members of the Branch Leadership Team (a commitment to participate in meetings).
  • The YCP reports to the Chief Commissioner.

What will the Youth Patrol do?

  • Be the youth voice on the Chief Commissioner’s Council.
  • Take on projects as a part of the Branch leadership Team.
  • Represent the Branch at key events locally and interstate.
  • Be the voice of Scouts SA on issues faced by young people, representing the opinions of Scouts SA to the wider community on key youth topics.


  • The YCP will meet face-to-face and online at least monthly.
  • Work will be completed collaboratively with regular online communication.
  • At times there will be meetings and other events negotiated.


  • The YCP’s role is diverse and requires a team with various skills from outstanding public speakers, advocates, writers, researchers, videographers and more.
  • All will be good communicators and users of technology.
  • Everyone will be committed to maintaining their membership requirements to be a member of the YCP.


  • Submit a 3-minute video outlining why you should be a member of the YCP. Sharing,
    • What you love about Scouts
    • The skills and ideas you will bring to the YCP
    • Any great ideas you might already have for the YCP
  • The name and contact details of two people who can vouch for your skills and abilities (make sure they know you have applied)
  • Further information to John Clarke

Interviews may be required.