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Sub-Aqua – Come & Try

Available date for Come and Try Snorkelling, SCUBA or Reef Snorkel (Pt Noarlunga). Bookings through Requirements: -SSAG Water Activity Medical required before entry into the water. -Y4's -Shoe sizes for each Scout are required 2 weeks before the activity. -If OAS Training for Aquatics is required, SSAG is to be given a list of […]

Sub-Aqua – OAS Aquatics

OAS Aquatics training/skill up - Adelaide Aquatic Centre Bookings through Requirements: -SSAG Water Activity Medical required before entry into the water. -Y4's -Shoe sizes for each Scout are required 2 weeks before the activity. -If OAS Training for Aquatics is required, SSAG is to be given a list of requirements 2 weeks prior. We […]

Sub-Aqua – Come & Try

Available date for Come and Try Snorkelling, SCUBA or Reef Snorkel (Pt Noarlunga). Bookings through Requirements: -SSAG Water Activity Medical required before entry into the water. -Y4's -Shoe sizes for each Scout are required 2 weeks before the activity. -If OAS Training for Aquatics is required, SSAG is to be given a list of […]

Sub-Aqua – Come & Try Reef Day

Come and Try Reef Snorkel - Pt Noarlunga. Bookings through Requirements: -SSAG Water Activity Medical required before entry into the water. -Y4's -Shoe sizes for each Scout are required 2 weeks before the activity. -If OAS Training for Aquatics is required, SSAG is to be given a list of requirements 2 weeks prior. We […]

Sub-Aqua – Come & Try

Available date for Come and Try Snorkelling, SCUBA or Reef Snorkel (Pt Noarlunga). Bookings through Requirements: -SSAG Water Activity Medical required before entry into the water. -Y4's -Shoe sizes for each Scout are required 2 weeks before the activity. -If OAS Training for Aquatics is required, SSAG is to be given a list of […]