Branch Events
- Events
- Branch Events
This is the end of year break-up activity for the best section in the Association - THE VENTURER SECTION! We aim to have you so relaxed, so laid back and so chilled that your folks won't know who is walking into their house on the Sunday night.This is also promoted as a good linking activity […]
Venturer Unit Management Course
ALL VENTURERS! Even if you aren
AdVenture Expo
The AdVenture Expo gives you a chance to sample and experience some Adventurous and Initiative Activities and find out about upcoming Branch Venturer Section events that are available to Venturer Scouts.Sample some Venturer Section Action at the AdVenture ExpoInformation we be available on: Easter Venture, Snow Venture, Super Splash, Venturer Award Scheme (Venturer Award, Queen […]
Venturer Leadership Course
The Leadership Course is designed to give Venturers the skills and confidence to take on a leadership or mentor role within their Unit. This may come in the form of serving on the Unit Council or leading a Project Patrol.Purpose: To give Venturers experience in leadership. To demonstrate the techniques of leadership To demonstrate the […]
Joey 30 Year Disco
Woodville Town Hall 74-76 Woodville Road, Woodville South, SA, AustraliaThe Blue Light Disco are helping run this event for us. This is a free event for registered Joeys. Some snacks and drinks provided. Please register your Joeys at
Easter Venture
Easter Venture (E.V.) is a major South Australian Branch activity. The aim of Easter Venture is to enjoy a four-day break, hiking with friends in a competitive environment.Each year a different theme is applied, and participants are expected to hike dressed appropriate to the theme.Points are awarded for both hiking skill, and theme awareness.Along the […]
Paddle Venture
Overnight paddling trip on the River Murray and Katarapko Creek.This is a bush camping and self-catering trip, open to Venturers and Linking Scouts.
ANZAC Eve Youth Vigil
North Terrace, ADELAIDE, AustraliaThe ANZAC Eve Youth Vigil Ceremony is a youth inspired activity that has become the first ceremony of remembrance of ANZAC Day.
Cohen Cup
A camping and cooking competition for Patrols of Scouts. The camp is run at two levels - for inexperienced Scouts (Rookies) who will be allowed Leader help, and for Cohen Cup competitors who will have to do everything without Leader help to be eligible for Gold or Silver awards.The Cohen Cup dates back to 1938 […]
Venturer Initiative Activity
Initiative in Venturer language is a self starting power, an ability to get up and go, without being told what to do. It
SA Branch AGM
44a Crittenden Road, FINDON, SA, AustraliaYou are cordially invited to attend the Scout Association of Australia, SA Branch 2019 Annual General Meeting Friday, 19 July 2019 at 6.30pm at the Titanium Security Arena, Scout Deck, 44a Crittenden Road, Findon
Venturer Retreat
What is Retreat?The Venturer Retreat is a weekend away to get you all thinking about some of the more spiritual and emotional side of life - morals, values, life choices, and things that are important to you, your friends, your family and all of humanity. The course will allow you to complete your Venturer Award […]
Gilwell Reunion
About Reunion Reunion
Venturer Unit Management Course
ALL VENTURERS! Even if you aren