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Adult Recognition Awards

Adult Recognition Awards

Nominations are now open for the Adult Recognition Awards for Scouts Australia (SA Branch) and will close on Monday, February 17, 2025.

The Scouts Australia website details the nomination process, including a full guide to each award and a quick, easy hint sheet. Visit Adult Recognition Award Nominations 2025 | Scouts Australia for further information.

A list of all eligible members will be distributed to all Commissioners for distribution to Groups/Teams.

Eligibility represents those adult members who have not received an award in a determined period. This does not preclude you from considering nominating a Member for a unique and highly valued contribution to the well-being of Scouting outside this suggested time frame.
Where possible, please collaborate with your peers to provide evidence to substantiate a nomination, particularly if a nominee has more than one Scouting role.

Changes to Adult Recognition Awards Nomination Process 2025

Special Service Award, Meritorious Service Award – Complete question 1 and question 2
Outstanding Service Award and Silver Wattle – Complete question 1 and question 2
Silver Koala and Distinguished Award – Complete question 1, question 2 and question 3
Silver Emu, Silver Kangaroo and National President’s Awards – Complete question 1, question 2, question 3 and question 4

Completing Nominations online

Nominations for Adult Recognition Awards will all be done through MyScout. Click the button below to access.
The user guide for how to use the MyScout form can be accessed at the bottom of this page.
For those nominating Rovers for a Rover Scout Service award, in the questions asked on the MyScout Nomination form, please answer complete Evidence Question 1 in the context of the Rover:
• List why the nominee’s service is worthy of recognition (include dates, events and places as appropriate)

Unable to complete Nominations online

For those who cannot complete it through MyScout, you can obtain an electronic form to complete by contacting Lauren (details below).

For more information about the Adult Recognition Awards, please contact

Lauren Bolster
Senior Administrative Assistant

Scouts SA are pleased to present the 2024 Adult Recognition Award recipients.

These individuals are unique and their service to Scouts SA and the community deserves to be shared widely and celebrated.
All of our awardees are nominated by their peers in the Scouts community, and the Human Endeavour Recognition Committee (HERC) follows a rigorous process to ensure their service meets the governance and criteria of each award.
On behalf of all at Scouts SA thank you for your continued and ongoing support to scouting in South Australia.
ave a great World Scout Day.

For the full list of the award recipients for 2024, please download the pdf  HERE

Adult Recognition Award References

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